September 30, 2024

New Publication: Congrats to Tianrui Zhao for his first-author publication in the Magnetic Resonance in Medicine! Click here for the full open-access article. See more lab publications here.
Highly accelerated non-contrast-enhanced time-resolved 4D MRA using stack-of-stars golden-angle radial acquisition with a self-calibrated low-rank subspace reconstruction
, Chase Krumpelman , Sarah J. Moum , Jonathan J. Russin , Sameer A. Ansari , Zhifeng Chen , Li Feng , Lirong Yan
Purpose: To develop a highly accelerated non-contrast-enhanced 4D-MRA technique by combining stack-of-stars golden-angle radial acquisition with a modified self-calibrated low-rank subspace reconstruction.
Methods: A low-rank subspace reconstruction framework was introduced in radial 4D MRA (SUPER 4D MRA) by combining stack-of-stars golden-angle radial acquisition with control-label k-space subtraction-based low-rank subspace modeling. Radial 4D MRA data were acquired and reconstructed using the proposed technique on 12 healthy volunteers and 1 patient with steno-occlusive disease. The performance of SUPER 4D MRA was compared with two temporally constrained reconstruction methods (golden-angle radial sparse parallel [GRASP] and GRASP-Pro) at different acceleration rates in terms of image quality and delineation of blood dynamics.
Results: SUPER 4D MRA outperformed the other two reconstruction methods, offering superior image quality with a clear background and detailed delineation of cerebrovascular structures as well as great temporal fidelity in blood flow dynamics. SUPER 4D MRA maintained excellent performance even at higher acceleration rates.
Conclusions: SUPER 4D MRA is a promising technique for highly accelerating 4D MRA acquisition without comprising both temporal fidelity and image quality.
March 5, 2024

New Publication: Congrats to Jianing Tang for her first-author publication in the Magnetic Resonance in Medicine! Click here for the full open-access article. See more lab publications here.
Assessment of arterial pulsatility of cerebral perforating arteries using 7T high-resolution dual-VENC phase-contrast MRI
Purpose: Directly imaging the function of cerebral perforating arteries could provide valuable insight into the pathology of cerebral small vessel diseases (cSVD). Arterial pulsatility has been identified as a useful biomarker for assessing vascular dysfunction. In this study, we investigate the feasibility and reliability of using dual velocity encoding (VENC) phase-contrast MRI (PC-MRI) to measure the pulsatility of cerebral perforating arteries at 7 T.
Methods: Twenty participants, including 12 young volunteers and 8 elder adults, underwent high-resolution 2D PC-MRI scans with VENCs of 20 cm/s and 40 cm/s at 7T. The sensitivity of perforator detection and the reliability of pulsatility measurement of cerebral perforating arteries using dual-VENC PC-MRI were evaluated by comparison with the single-VENC data. The effects of temporal resolution in the PC-MRI acquisition and aging on the pulsatility measurements were investigated.
Results: Compared to the single VENCs, dual-VENC PC-MRI provided improved sensitivity of perforator detection and more reliable pulsatility measurements. Temporal resolution impacted the pulsatility measurements, as decreasing temporal resolution led to an underestimation of pulsatility. Elderly adults had elevated pulsatility in cerebral perforating arteries compared to young adults, but there was no difference in the number of detected perforators between the two age groups.
Conclusion: Dual-VENC PC-MRI is a reliable imaging method for the assessment of pulsatility of cerebral perforating arteries, which could be useful as a potential imaging biomarker of aging and cSVD.
Keywords: arterial pulsatility; cerebral perforating artery; dual-VENC; phase-contrast MRI; pulsatility index (PI); ultra-high field 7 T.C